Waiting for Spring
2019.02.23. 09:17

~ Ez is korltlan nevezs verseny lesz, de hamar tervezem zrni!
~ Ne mdostsd az adatlapot, krlek!
~ A kllemes kp szabadon vlasztott!
~ Kllem /kanca, mn, pni, csik/
~ Djlovagls /kezd, halad, profi/
~ Djugrats /kezd, halad, profi/
~ Galopp /sprint, rvidtv, kzptv, hossztv/
Neved: (oldaladra linkelve)
Lovad neve:
Kategria, /+ alkategria/:
Kpek: (kategrinknt 1-2 kp tetszs szerint)

sszegzs: Rengetegen, sz szerint tbbszz lval neveztetek, ezrt elgg megksve hoztam az eredmnyeket, ne haragudjatok :( Igyekeztem senkit se kihagyni, de elfordulhatott, hogy tlugrottam egy-egy lovon. Ha kihagytam valakit, jelezztek a chatben, krlek!
Kizrsok: -
Figyelmeztetsek: Catrin - Vastayashai'rie: mn kategriba nevezted, de egy pni:) Nincs belle semmi gond, traktam abba a kategriba, csak szlni akartam:)
1. hely: Mary Sue, C'est la Vie, Grannus Canasta, Hidden Hunting, Rotten to the Core, Valeroso Ibn La'Ahad, Alcahim Ibn Psyche
2. hely: Crossroad Controller, Demonio do Cu, Vangelios
1. hely: Worldwide Phenomenon, Jon Snow, Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, Xerxes, Rexxar, Mal'Ganis, Hector's Hymn, Lumico, North Pole, Snow Freckles, Chained to the Rhythm, Crazy in Love
1. hely: Sylvanas, Meraxes Z, Gul'Dan, Christian Grey, Artic Falcon, Bleed it Out, Quitaboo Moment, Clinton, Shady Luck
2. hely: Astro Boy, Canadian Assasin, Riverbank Poison Dante
1. hely: Crossroad Controller, C'est la Vie, Last Dream of the Storm, Dark Dot, Hidden Hunting, Alcahim Ibn Psyche, Golden Ayse, Vangelios, Quinton Blythe
2. hely: Mary Sue, Grannus Canasta, Favory Ficsr, North Pole, Ghost River
1. hely: Sand' Altivo Boy, Gurubashi Berserker, Necromancer, Euro Soldier, Lumico, Lucia, Caleyndar, Puerto's Thunder, Puss in Boots, Hiding on Shadows, Odin, Azure Island, Capricho
2. hely: Daedalos, Snow Freckles, Crazy in Love, Salvador Keik
1. hely: Dark Passion, Supermassive Light, Hector's Hymn, Supermassive Argent, Doubloon, Sayonara Darling
2. hely: Maexxna, Fuego del Desierto, Twilight of the Thunder God, Vittorio
1. hely: Happy Ending, Last of the Wilds, Excalibur y Acertado, Spirit Gayego, Lovely Lears, Lord Rebellis, Champagne Ptillant, Two Times Boston, Silent Scream, Prima Luce, Gyda the Highness
2. hely: Awesome Wild Chocolate, Nirvana, Northern Illusion, Cerberus, Never Let You Go My Sweetheart, Dangerous Woman
1. hely: Avaka Kedavra y Acertado, Unitarian, DeathStroke*, Swiss's Pride, Be My Valentine, Awesome Rock, Chalsin Leona, Essence of Speed, Black Butterfly Damsel, Rebellious Queen, Hailstorm, Signora Di Cielo, Daughter of my Dark Voldemort
2. hely: SH Wildcat Red, Arnica de la Barre, Midnight Express, Night Flower, Talk Derby To Me
1. hely: Valkyrie, Stuff De'Vent, Bahamian Bandit, Bernardini, Hot Trinniberg, Night Witches, Sweetmeat Gris y Hermoso, Fancy Dress Party, Lovely Crock, Divine Promise, Guns N' Roses, King of the Secret Land, Fairly Hot, Badger John, Winx
2. hely: Revolutionary, Adrede Milagro, My Lovely Rebel, Cherry Raddle Valentine
1. hely: Bazooka De'Vent, Fortunate Man d'Oro, Value Point, Eclipse Solair, DeathStars, Scrappy Man, Scarf di Etro, Cassablanca*, Carpe Diem, American Ace, Shakespeare, How Do You Like Me Now, Skyler's Scramjet, Tiz's Devil Avocado, Miss Hot Miracle
2. hely: Dear Devil, Last Monarch, Miracle Boy
1. hely: Om el Amor W, Sweet Monster of Damsel's Throne, Living the Sweetness, Toy Souffle', RR God's Fading Gun, RR Lost Shining Soul, RR My Crush Dunit, RR Kentucky's Extreme Dama, RR Smokey Star, Rhocky la Rhenta, Quinton Hail, Qahira von der Nacht, Miss Mildly Hot Bitch, Johnny's Flawy Butterfly
2. hely: Varus De'Vent, Kiss The Gun N' Shoot, RR Acidic Commander
1. hely: Kuroi Hoshi no Tenshi, Ice Romolus, Ragnaros the Firelord, Zodiac de Luxe, Crimson Thunder, Classic Thunderbolt, Empress Secret, Salvatore, Del Piero, Vastayashai'rie
1. hely: Om el Classic, Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, Awesome Wild Chocolate, Never Let You Go My Sweetheart, Arnica de la Barre, Night Flower, Night Witches, Dear Devil, Cassablanca*, Sylvanas, Maexxna, Nightwish, Fancy Dress Party, Golden Ayse, Chained to the Rhythm, Lovely Crock, Cherry Raddle Valentine, Black Butterfly Damsel, Rebellious Queen, Saphire, Fairly Hot, Dangerous Woman, Signora Di Cielo, Miss Hot Miracle, Daughter of my Dark Voldemort
2. hely: Mary Sue, Happy Ending, Last of the Wilds, Hot Trinniberg, Adrede Milagro, My Lovely Rebel, Sweetmeat Gris y Hermoso, Lena Spark, Gyda the Highness
1. hely: Wonderwall Navaho, Quinton Rylan, Valkyrie, Astro Boy, Worldwide Phenomenon, Jon Snow, Avaka Kedavra y Acertado, Stuff De'Vent, Bazooka De'Vent, Fortunate Man d'Oro, Bahamian Bandit, Rotten to the Core, Excalibur y Acertado, Spirit Gayego, DeathStroke, Swiss's Pride, Be My Valentine, Awesome Rock, Revolutionary, Bernardini, DeathStars, Scrappy Man, Carpe Diem, C'est la Vie, Xerxes, Rexxar, Mal'Ganis, Gul'Dan, Christian Grey, Canadian Assasin, Riverbank Artic Falcon, Riverbank Poison Dante, Bleed it Out, Last Dream of the Storm, Dark Dot, Sand' Altivo Boy, Gurubashi Berserker, Necromancer, Hector's Hymn, Dark Passion, Supermassive Light, Fuego del Desierto, Twilight of the Thunder God, Haakim Thyme, GW Balerion, Kid Khan Thyme, Ibn Hattal Kalifa, Quitaboo Moment, Lumico, Vittorio, Daedalos, Caleyndar, Doubloon, Favory Ficsr, Capricho, Fiscardo di Regulo, Naimeer Hab'bat, Demonio do Cu, Valeroso Ibn La'Ahad, Alcahim Ibn Psyche, Ghost River, Puerto's Thunder, American Ace, Shakespeare, Divine Promise, Champagne Ptillant, Talk Derby To Me, Quinton Blythe, Two Times Boston, King of the Secret Land, How Do You Like Me Now, Odin, Salvador Keik, Shakid Safar, Azure Island, Magical Boy, Suiciide Decision, Inferno Sixty-Six, DG Hollywood Top Gun, Red John, RR Spook Whiz Warlord, Spook Gunner, PN Evening Mist, Lucent Dawn, Saphed, Skyler's Scramjet, Prima Luce, Sayonara Darling, Last Monarch, Tiz's Devil Avocado
2. hely: Northern Illusion, Cerberus, SH Wildcat Red, Midnight Express, Value Point, Eclipse Solair, Scarf di Etro, Desert Rain, Ghost Division, End of All Hope, Hellrider, Supermassive Argent, Clinton, Vangelios, Guns N' Roses, Puss in Boots, Hiding on Shadows, Blond River, PN Little Chex to Cash, Badger John, Miracle Boy
Abszolt gyztes: ........................................250.000 Ft
1. helyezettek: ..............................................200.000 Ft
2. helyezettek: .............................................150.000 Ft