Mid-season Appearance
2019.04.28. 16:56

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Kpek: (2 ltalad vlasztott kp)

1. hely: Kuroi Hoshi no Tensh, Vastayahsai'rei, Empress Secret, Salvatore
1. hely: Oh My Sweet Summer Child, Om el Amor W, Quinton Hail, Qahira von der Nacht, Dragon Slayer Tristan, Mazikeen, Loras de Charmian, Northern Rakan
2. hely: Last Sweet Temptation, Last Ally, Ghost
1. hely: Om el Classic, Autumn Night, Saphire, Devour The Tyrant, Thalia Blackhawk, Wonderful Blackbriar, Petite Taupe, Kiwis Damse, Last Sweet Kiss, Diabolus Damsel, Speed Heart, Gris Damsel, Last Melody
2. hely: Heated Paradise, Ars Nova, Luminous Crystal
1. hely: Valkyrie, Sarang, Lucent Dawn, Saphed, Quinton Blythe, Wonerwall Navaho, Quinton Rylan, Capricho, Skyler's Scramjet, Prima Luce, Sayonara Darling, Rotten to the Core, Wynx, Effulgent Noyade, Mr. Fear, Primal Duty, Dashattor, Dilbagh, Ayush, Escolar, Impresario, Wundertter, Hartnell, White Chocolate, Ice With Double Whiskey, Giant Blaster, Illusive Effigy, Porcelain Black, Sinister Illusion, Emerald van't Ruytershof, Airborne Aeseus, Elysium, Midnight Dancier, Deo Volente, Last Legend, Guardian of Memories, Utopia of Odyssey, Achilles Weak Point, Dynoro Dragon, Prince of Shade, Last Breath, Samyaza
2. hely: Fleet Street, Crescendo, Tungsten W, Clairvoyance, Mascot Lantern Light, Jrmungandr
Abszolt gyztes: ........................................250.000 Ft
1. helyezettek: ..............................................200.000 Ft
2. helyezettek: .............................................150.000 Ft